Example applications include: Robotic Liquid Handling, Manual Liquid Handling, Sample Heating, Sample Chilling, Sample Mixing, Sample Centrifugation, Magnetic Bead Separation, Positive Pressure Filtration, Solid Phase Extraction, Absorbance Measurement, Fluorescence Measurement, Luminescence Measurement
Robotic Sample Preparation Workcell
Workcell Integrated Micro Liquid Handler
Large Capacity Deck
- 4x heater/shaker plate positions
- heating up to 105°C
- shaking up to 2,500 RPM
- 4x heater/cooler plate positions
- heating up to 110°C
- cooling down to 0°C
- 12x SBS plate positions (including any deep well or microtiter plates)
- 12x 50 mL conical tube positions
- 64x microcentrifuge tube or CE/HPLC vial positions
- Compatible with a wide variety of tubes (including opaque tubes for light sensitive samples)
- Robotic arm for movement of plates, lids, and racks around the deck and to/from integrations
8x Independent Single Channel Pipettes
- 1 μL to 1 mL volume (± 1%)
- 0.4 to 250 μL/sec aspirate/dispense rate
- 10 μL, 50 μL, 300 μL, 1,000 μL regular, widebore, and filtered disposable polypropylene tips
- Pre-aspiration/post-dispense mixing
- Fine-grained pipette tip aspiration and dispense position control
- Tip movement and speed control
1x Multichannel Pipette (96 Channels)
- Capable of any simultaneous rectangular pipetting up to dimensions 8×12
- 1 μL to 1 mL volume (± 2%)
- 0.4 to 250 μL/sec aspirate/dispense rate
- 10 μL, 50 μL, 300 μL, 1,000 μL regular, widebore, and filtered disposable polypropylene tips
- Pre-aspiration/post-dispense mixing
- Fine-grained pipette tip aspiration and dispense position control
- Tip movement and speed control