
Robotic ELISA Device

Absorbance Detection


      • LED Light Source

      • 8-channel photometer

      • 340 to 750 nm wavelength selection

      • Linear shaking

      • 0.1 mOD resolution

      • < ± 1 % precision



        • Heating from room temperature to 80°C

        • Shaking from 0 to 1,800 RPM at 0 to 3 mm orbit



          • 8-channel strip washer

          • 50 to 1,000 µL wash buffer per well

          • 1 to 9 wash cycles

          • Linear sample shaking


        Single Cell Instrument


          • Characterize complex cell populations

          • Multiomic profiling of immune diversity, cell by cell












        10x Genomics – Chromium X


        Capillary ELISA Device


          • All incubation, washing, and detection steps are automated

          • 72 samples with 1 analytes, or 32 samples with up to 8 analytes

          • Built-in duplicate or triplicate measurement per sample

          • 25 µL volume required per sample

          • 4 to 5 logs of dynamic range

          • 75 minute run time


        Alternative Next Generation Sequencing Machine


          • Output Range: 540 Mb – 15 Gb

          • Reads per Run: 1-25 million

          • Max read length: 2x 300 bp












        Illumina – MiSeq


        Capillary Electrophoresis System


          • Sample Trays: 2 x 48 CESI vials / 0.3 mL microvials

          • Buffer Tray: 2 x 36 CESI vials

          • Pressure Delivery Range: -5 to +100 PSI

          • Required Sample Volume: 5 µL when using NanoVias

          • Zero Dead Volume

          • Multi-Detection Capability: UV/VIS, PDA, or LIF detection can be selected in stand-alone CE mode

          • Ultra-low-fow < 10 nLimin, into the mass spectrometer resulting an overall increase in ionization efficiency

        Tape Station


          • Sample number: 1 to 96

          • Sample volume: 1 to 2 µL

          • Sizing range: 200 to > 60,000 bp

          • Sensitivity: 0.5 ng/µL

          • Sizing precision: 200 bp to 15,000 bp: 15 %CV

          • Sizing accuracy: 200 bp to 15,000 bp: ± 15 %

          • Quantitative precision 15 %CV

          • Quantitative accuracy: ± 20 %

          • Quantitative range: 10 to 100 ng/µL

          • DNA Integrity Number functional range: 5 to 300 ng/µL



        Example applications include: Capillary-based Analytical Assay, Gel Electrophoresis, Capillary Gel Electrophoresis, Total Protein Separation, Total Protein Visualization, Protein Size Characterization, Protein Abundance Comparison

        Capillary Western Blot System

        Capillary Gel Electrophoresis


          • 2 to 440 kDa molecular weight range

          • 0 to 500 V separation voltage

          • UV capillary crosslinking for protein immobilization

        Secondary Antibodies Available


          • Secondary Antibodies Available


              • Goat Anti-Rabbit HRP

              • Goat Anti-Mouse HRP

              • Goat Anti-Human IgG HRP

              • Donkey Anti-Goat HRP

        CCD Camera-Based Capillary Imaging


          • 100 ms to 512 sec exposure times

          • Up to picogram sensitivity (depending on the primary antibody sensitivity)



          • 13 or 25 capillaries per batch

          • 5 to 8 µL of sample required per capillary


        Example applications include: Gene Expression Analysis, Genotyping, Copy Number Variation Analysis, microRNA Analysis, Pathogen Detection

        qPCR Thermocycler

        Excitation Filters


          • 470 nm (15 nm bandwidth)

          • 520 nm (10 nm bandwidth)

          • 550 nm (10 nm bandwidth)

          • 580 nm (10 nm bandwidth)

          • 640 nm (10 nm bandwidth)

          • 662 nm (10 nm bandwidth)

        Emission Filters


          • 520 nm (15 nm bandwidth)

          • 558 nm (12 nm bandwidth)

          • 587 nm (10 nm bandwidth)

          • 623 nm (14 nm bandwidth)

          • 682 nm (14 nm bandwidth)

          • 711 nm (12 nm bandwidth)

        Halogen Lamp Reaction Conditions


          • 4 to 100°C temperature range

          • 204°C/min maximum temperature ramp rate

          • Programmable thermal cycle program (up to 100 cycles)

          • Reactions in 384-well plates or array cards













        ThermoFisher Quantstudio 7


        Digital PCR System


          • Up to 480 samples per run

          • Absolute quantification of DNA/RNA targets

          • Dynamic range: 0.25 to 5,000 targets per μL sample

          • Multiplexing with 4 detection channels per sample

          • Multiplex up to 8 targets per sample with amplitude multiplexing

        Sample Constraints


          • 20 μL sample volume

          • 96-well plate format

          • Fluorescent probe-based detection

        Droplet Generation


          • In-plate microfluidics for droplet formation

          • Up to 20,000 nanoliter-sized droplets per sample

          • Droplet generation for 16 wells in parallel



          • 100°C maximum temperature

          • 150°C/min maximum temperature ramp rate

          • Programmable temperature gradient over columns

          • Programmable thermal cycling (Up to 99 cycles)

        Droplet Reading


          • Sample illumination: LED


              • 505 nm (30 nm bandwidth)

              • 622 nm (15 nm bandwidth)

          • Detector: Multi-pixel Photon Counter

          • Emission filters


              • 538 nm (25 nm bandwidth)

              • 572 nm (40 nm bandwidth)

              • 662 nm (40 nm bandwidth)

              • 720 nm (60 nm bandwidth)












        Bio-Rad QXONE



        Surface Plasmon Resonance System


          • Flow cells: 4

          • Flow rate range: 1 to 100 µL/min

          • Analyte detection range: No lower molecular weight limit for organic molecules

          • Association rate constant range (protein): 103 to 3×109 M-1s-1

          • Association rate constant range (low molecular weight): 103 to 5×107 M-1s-1

          • Dissociation rate constant range: 10-5 to 1 s-1

          • Sample temperature range: 4 to 45°C

          • Analysis temperature range: 4 to 45ºC

          • Sample refractive index range: 1.33 to 1.40

          • Automatic switching between 4 buffers

        Data Types


          • Kinetic and affinity

          • Specificity

          • Selectivity

          • Concentration

          • Thermodynamic

        Sample Constraints


          • Sample input format: 96- or 384-well and up to 33 vials

          • Sample injection volume: 2 to 350 µL

          • Injection dead volume: 20 to 50 µL


        Example applications include: Label-free Assay, Surface Immobilization, Biomolecular Interactions, Concentration Quantification, Association And Dissociation Analysis

        Bio-Layer Interferometer (BLI)

        Instrument Details


          • 8 parallel channels per read

          • Sample temperature range: 15 to 40°C in 1°C increments

          • Orbital flow capacity: Static or 100 to 1,500 RPM

          • Uses commercially available bio-probes

          • Baseline noise: < 3 pm

        Experiment Types


          • Kinetics


              • Measure association and dissociation rates

              • Up to 12 samples per plate

          • Quantitation


              • Measure analyte concentration

              • Up to 96 samples per plate

          • Epitope binning/cross-blocking


              • Determine modes of interaction through analyte competition

              • Up to 8 samples per plate

        Detection Range


          • Analyte molecular weight: > 150 Da

          • Affinity range: 1 mM to 10 pM

          • Association rate range: 10¹ to 10⁷ M⁻¹s⁻¹

          • Dissociation rate range: 10⁻⁶ to 0.1 s⁻¹

        Sample Constraints


          • Sample input format: 96-well

          • Minimum sample volume: 180 μL

          • Recoverable samples/non-destructive analysis

          • Sample types:


              • Proteins/Peptides

              • Small molecules/Fragments

              • Oligonucleotides/DNA/RNA

              • Virus-like particles

              • Antibodies

              • Serum containing media

              • DMSO containing buffers

              • Crude cell lysates



        Isothermal Titration Calorimeter


          • 190 µL active cell volume

          • Up to 250 µL injection volume

          • 2 to 80 °C temperature range

          • 0.05 to 5,000 µJ measurable heat range

          • 0 to 200 RPM stirring

          • Automated injection syringe cleaning

          • Refrigerated autosampler compatible with 96-well plate


        Example applications include: Thermal melting curves, Nucleic acid melting point measurement

        UV/Vis Spectrometer with Thermal Controller


          • Simultaneously scan a full wavelength range, on 8 channels, in less than a second

          • Each pair of cuvettes can be held at a different temperature: Perform 4 different temperature experiments at the same time

          • Simultaneously measure standards, samples, and controls under exactly the same conditions

          • Measurement modules do not contain any moving parts (permanent optical alignment)

        Absorbance Detection


          • Photometric system: Double beam with rear beam access

          • Long-life xenon flashlamp source

          • 250 points per second data collection rate

          • 190 to 1,100 nm wavelength range (limiting resolution 0.1 nm, wavelength accuracy ± 0.2 nm)

          • 150,000 nm/min maximum scan rate

          • Tightly-controlled beam geometry (< 1.5 mm at sample interface)

          • Silicon photodiode detectors for simultaneous measurement of all channels

          • 8 cuvette positions can be measured simultaneously



          • Temperature control system is self-contained, integrated, and air-cooled

          • Water-free temperature cycling from 0 to 110°C

          • Peltier block probe ± 0.5°C temperature accuracy

          • Sample probe ± 0.25ºC temperature accuracy

          • < ± 0.15°C cell to cell variation

          • Maximum ramp rate 40°C/min

          • Minimum ramp rate 0.1°C/min

          • 1, 2, or 4 independently controlled temperature zones


        Example applications include: Multimode Spectrophotometer, Thermal Stability, Conformation Change Detection, Protein Aggregation Detection, Melting Curve Analysis, Aggregation Curve Analysis

        qPCR Thermocycler

        Excitation Filters


          • 470 nm (15 nm bandwidth)

          • 520 nm (10 nm bandwidth)

          • 550 nm (10 nm bandwidth)

          • 580 nm (10 nm bandwidth)

          • 640 nm (10 nm bandwidth)

          • 662 nm (10 nm bandwidth)

        Emission Filters


          • 520 nm (15 nm bandwidth)

          • 558 nm (12 nm bandwidth)

          • 587 nm (10 nm bandwidth)

          • 623 nm (14 nm bandwidth)

          • 682 nm (14 nm bandwidth)

          • 711 nm (12 nm bandwidth)

        Halogen Lamp Reaction Conditions


          • 4 to 100°C temperature range

          • 204°C/min maximum temperature ramp rate

          • Programmable thermal cycle program (up to 100 cycles)

          • Reactions in 384-well plates

        Multimode Spectrophotometer


          • Simultaneously measure fluorescence spectra and static light scattering of samples enabling assessment of melting point and aggregation point

          • Measurement in sealed quartz capillaries requires only 9 μL of sample

          • Measure up to 48 samples in one experiment including standards, samples, and controls

        Fluorescence and Static Light Scattering Detection


          • 266 nm and 473 nm laser light sources with neutral density filtering available

          • CCD spectrometer at full 250 to 750 nm spectral range simultaneously detects fluorescence emission spectra and static light scattering intensity at 266 nm and 473 nm

          • Melting point precision < 2% CV

          • Static light scattering resolution can detect ~15 kDa change in mean molecular mass



          • Temperature control system is self-contained

          • Water-free temperature cycling from 15 to 95ºC

          • TEC heating/cooling plate temperature control accuracy 1ºC (at < 70ºC) and 1.5ºC (at > 70ºC)

          • Maximum ramp rate 10ºC/min

          • Minimum ramp rate 0.1ºC/min


        Example applications include: Bradford Assay, Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) Assay, Quant-iT Fluorescence Quantification Assay, Total Protein Quantification, Protein Concentration Quantification

        Total Protein Quantification


          • Absorbance- and fluorescence-based assays

          • Customizable excitation and quantification wavelengths

          • Protein quantification between 0.025 and 2 mg/mL

          • Between 5 and 25 µL of sample required

          • Bovine serum albumin or bovine gamma globulin standards



          • Reagent preparation, plate loading, and mixing performed on Hamilton liquid handler

          • Absorbance measured on FLUOstar Omega plate reader

          • Fluorescence measured on CLARIOstar plate reader


        Example applications include: Bead-based Interaction Assay, Protein-protein Interaction Screening, Binding Inhibitor Screening, Protease/kinase Inhibitor Screening, Binding And Dissociation Analysis

        Amplified Luminescent Proximity Homogenous Assay Screen (AlphaScreen)


          • Bead-based assay

          • AlphaScreen laser and filter sets

          • Selection of beads with a variety of affinity tags

          • Support 96- or 384-well plate format

          • 10 to 160 µL assay volume

        Assays Available


          • Screen Optimization

          • Interaction Characterization

          • Interaction Inhibitor Screen

          • Interaction Inhibitor Dose Response

          • Enzyme Activity Characterization

          • Enzyme Inhibitor Screen

          • Enzyme Inhibitor Dose Response

          • Linker Screen

          • Sample Quantification


        Example applications include: Chemical crosslinking, Protein modification, Antibody modification, Fluorophore conjugated, Biotinylated

        Liquid Handler


          • Low-volume chemical linking of biomolecules including microbeads, oligomers, proteins, and antibodies

          • Utilizes all available solid transfer, liquid transfer, and mixing instrumentation

          • Biomolecule activation can be specified prior to conjugation.

          • Reaction quenching can be specified after conjugation

          • Product workup including pelleting and filtering can be specified after conjugation


        Fragment Analyzer


          • Medium- to high-throughput separation – Analyze 48 or 96 samples in parallel with a single, simple dilution step and easy instrument setup

          • Unattended walk-away operation – Load up to three 96-sample microplates, no further user interaction is required

          • Reduced sample analysis time – Apply batch processing features post electrophoresis to automatically generate results reports

          • Easy adoption to changes in your workflow – Choose a shorter or longer array to maximize your runs regarding speed or resolution of individual samples

          • Minimize hands-on time – Reduce the time needed for instrument setup with no daily array handling requirements and room-temperature-stable reagents

          • Broad assay portfolio – Analyze samples ranging from gDNA, NGS libraries, and DNA fragments to total RNA, small RNA, and mRNA vaccines all on one platform

          • High-resolution separation – Achieve separation resolution as good as 3 bp from fragments under 300 bp

          • Objective quality assessment – Qualify your samples using quality metrics for RNA (RQN) and genomic DNA (GQN)

          • Seamless switching between applications – Load two different gels into the instrument to use different kits within one system setup

          • Comprehensive compliance services – Qualify instruments by IQ/OQ services for use in GMP environments












        Agilent – 5300 Fragment Analyzer