Transfer procedures can be carried out in a variety of atmospheric environments.
Example applications include: Creating Standard Curves, Dilutions, and Aliquots
Biosafety Cabinet
- Laminar flow rate of 105 ft/min
- Internal dimensions: 1.74 m x 0.438 m x 0.635 m
- Has 2 vacuum traps for general cell culture aspiration needs
- UV germicidal light for surface disinfection
- 30% HEPA filtered exhaust air and 70% recirculated HEPA filtered air
- Will have precision and analytical balances inside for gravimetric transfers
Fume Hood
- Airflow velocity readout that is tracked by ECL Constellation: 60 to 100 ft/min
- Internal dimensions: 1.8288 m x 0.9220 m x 0.5906 m
- Supplied with nitrogen via in-house plumbing
- Vacuum plumbing capabilities
- pH, temperature, relative humidity, pressure sensors installed (tracked by ECL Constellation)
- Equipped with analytical and precision balances for gravimetric transfers
Glove Box
- Constant H₂O, O₂, and pressure monitoring
- <1 ppm H₂O
- <1 ppm O₂
- Attached -35ºC freezer
- No-downtime cartridge-based purifiers
- Automatic antechamber cycle control
Hermetic Transfers (Cannulation)
- Backfill of hermetic container with nitrogen or argon gas
- Compatible with a wide range of needles and syringes to support a wide variety of hermetic containers
- Hermetic transfers only happen in the fume hoods
- Capable of anhydrous transfers
RNase Free
- Optional RNase Away treatment for all materials and work surfaces
Sterile Transfers
- Optional 70% Ethanol treatment of all materials and work surfaces
Hot/Cold Transfers
- Samples can be transferred in warmed (30 to 105°C) and chilled (10 to -86ºC) conditions
- Temperature immersion probe or IR probe for temperature verification during the transfer